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Froala Editor를 체험해 보실 수 있습니다. 자유롭게 글을 남겨주세요.
단, 욕설, 음란물 등의 글이 보일 경우 삭제 조치합니다.
또한, 홈페이지 용량 관리 차원에서 글이 삭제될 수 있으니 이점 양해바랍니다.



프로알라 테스트

조회 수 280 추천 수 0



Hello everyone, I’m here in voice, finally!! Let me introduce myself: My name is Dallas, and I’m a photographer. 

I found voice through a long and winding path that started with an interest in Bitcoin many years ago. That interest led me to the social media platform Steemit (which later became Hive... kinda... if you know about all that, well, you know) anyhow that was my true introduction to crypto currencies and blockchain, which I’ve become fascinated with ever since. 

I’m a professional photographer by trade, or at least I used to be before the covid thing swept the world and caused every client we had to cancel. It’s been a tough year to say the least and this year isn’t looking much better, but at least I can still take photos. Here are a few of my recent favourites!

I know lots of black and white, it’s just what I have on my phone right now. 

Anyhow, I also really love surfing, so much that I even built my own surfboard once! but since we moved back to the Canadian Rockies I haven’t been able to do much of that, one day I’ll get back into it. 

I love reading and since I’ve had a ton of time I’ve been reading a lot lately. Currently I’m in the middle of the expanse series (no spoilers!!) and I love it. I’m a big fan of science fiction. Any book recommendations?? I’d love them :) 

Anyhow, that’s me in about a nutshell, photos, books, surfing when I can! I’d love to hear about you, and I’m stoked to be here on voice!!


0개의 댓글

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
152 테스트 profile BearHuman 2023.10.02 144
151 코드 넣기 오류가 있네요. 가온누리 2023.03.14 172
150 test ㅇㅇ 2023.02.08 189
149 test test 2022.07.28 226
148 test3 2 test3 2021.10.26 266
147 test2 test2 2021.10.26 228
146 test test 2021.10.26 242
145 test_jyp jyp 2021.01.27 265
144 테스트 profile 이준 2021.01.17 284
143 임베디드 포스팅 테스트 profile 이준 2021.01.12 243
프로알라 테스트 profile 이준 2021.01.12 280
141 자살 ㅇㅇ 2020.11.30 248
140 테스트 11 2020.11.17 277
139 금칙어1 금칙어3 2020.11.16 279
138 dsdf aaa 2020.09.29 281
137 test test 2020.08.25 257
136 ㅁㄴㅇㄹ ㅇㅇㅇ 2020.08.25 239
135 테스트 테스트 2020.08.13 250
134 Embed.ly Integration yoon 2020.08.13 335
133 유트브 테스트 2020.06.24 309
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